
何寻求帮助,或改变心情。(if you ansered “yes”to several of these estions,talk to one about ttg hel and feelg better)

恒大:聊天的人可以是老师、教练、父母、兄弟姐妹或是你可以信赖的其他人。但记住:一定要与人沟通。(this ern uld be a teacher,a abs;,your arent,an older siblg,or one else you trt,but talk ith one)

延琼:这一点非常重要,请大家务必记牢。说出你的问题本身,就会让你感觉好很多。(talkg about your roble is itself a good ay to ake you feel better)今天的课到此结束。谢谢大家合作。(thank you for your oeration)
